
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Brigadier General George G. Meade to Margaretta Sergeant Meade, June 6, 1862


You will see that Jackson has escaped up the Valley of the Shenandoah, in spite of the various arrangements made to cut off his retreat. From all I can learn, the force sent from here under McDowell was not as rapid in its movements as it might have been. It ought to have pushed on from Front Royal to Strasburg, and not waited, as it would seem it did, till it had news that Jackson was falling back from Strasburg. We have had a continuous rain storm, part of the time very violent; the consequence has been the same here as with you in Pennsylvania — a great freshet in the Rappahannock, which carried away all the bridges we had built over the river, including the railroad bridge. To rebuild this will take some two weeks, during which time we shall be tied down here. When they were first carried away (day before yesterday) all communication was cut off with the town, in which were some six hundred of our people; but as we had intelligence that day that the force in our front had fallen back to Richmond, we did not feel much concerned about our men. Now we have a little steam tug that ferries across, and we will throw over a pontoon bridge as soon as the river subsides. I have been for several days on a court martial which occupies me from ten in the morning to five in the afternoon.

I am truly sorry to hear that John Markoe has been again wounded. Do you remember General Palmer? He is reported killed, but I hope it is a mistake. General Howard you must also remember, at West Point.

SOURCE: George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. 1, p. 272

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