
Sunday, December 29, 2013

From Cairo

CAIRO, May 18.

News from Pittsburg Landing is unimportant.

After a picket skirmish on our right lasting nearly two days, the rebels were driven pack, having succeeded in destroying a bridge over a small stream four miles north of Corinth, to prevent the advance of our forces.  Two of our men were killed and several are reported wounded.

Deserters report the rebel army is suffering terribly for provisions and water, and that many of their cattle are starving for want of forage.

Guerillas infest the country surrounding Hickman, New Madrid, and other points below, and are committing great depredations.

No news from the fleet.  The gunboat Mound city left here to-night, her injuries received during the recent engagement having been repaired.

Passengers from Pittsburg give currency to a report brought into our camp by deserters, the Bragg commands the army at Corinth.  Beauregard having gone east. – Price commands the right wing; Polk the centre, and Van Dorn the left.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 20, 1862, p. 1

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