
Monday, December 2, 2013

Gen. McKinstry

We learn from unquestionable authority, that this gentleman, failing in all his efforts to get a Court of Inquiry to make an investigation of his official administration of the Quartermaster’s department in this city, will, about the middle of next month, publish a full defense against all the charges and insinuations which have been given to the public by the “Scandal Hunting Committee,” and other authorities.  The matter has become one of great public interest, and his defense will be looked for with a good deal of curiosity.  In this connection it is proper to state, that he denies, emphatically, the use of the profane and coarse language attributed to him in the report of the “War Claims Commission” at St. Louis. – Mo. Republican.

Gen. McKinstry did one good act while Provost Marshal at St. Louis, that will counterbalance a multitude of delinquencies; he suppressed the circulation in Missouri of the Dubuque Herald, which was strengthening the arm of treason.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, May 17, 1862, p. 2

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