
Saturday, December 14, 2013

General Robert E. Lee to Brigadier General Wm. H. Fitzhugh Lee, about March 3, 1863


I wrote you a few lines the other day and also to daughter Charlotte. Tell her she must talk quick to you. Her time is getting short and the soldiers complain of officers' wives visiting them when theirs cannot. I am petitioned to send them off. Your poor mother is I fear no better. I received yesterday a very pleasing letter from Rev. Dr. S., complimentary of Precious Life. I have mailed it to your mother. Kiss Chass for me, and tell her that daughters are not prohibited from visiting their papas. It is only objected to wives visiting their husbands. But she and Mrs. R. are not included in the prohibition. Your Uncle Carter says that they had him with a gun and sword buckled to him, guarding a ford on James River during Stoneman's last expedition. You and Fitz must not let them capture your uncle. I wish I could have seen your review. I hope Chass did.

Affly. your father,
R. E. LEE.

SOURCE:  John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 228-9

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