
Monday, December 9, 2013

General Robert E. Lee to Colonel G. W. Custis Lee, January 5, 1863

January 5, 1863

We have another snow-storm this morning, which promises to be deep. Our men and animals have suffered much from scarcity of food, and I fear they are destined to suffer more. I am doubtful whether I shall be able to retain my position, and may at last be obliged to yield to a greater force than that under command of General Burnside. We shall lose the moral advantages we have gained, and our men may become discouraged. Give much love to your mother, Agnes, if in Richmond, and all friends. Present me particularly to the gentlemen of the President's staff.

SOURCES:  John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 225 states “In a letter to his son dated January 5” but does not say to whom this letter was written.  For that identification see Bernice-Marie Yates, The Perfect Gentleman: The Life and Letters of George Washington Custis Lee, Volume 1, p. 265-6 which has a more complete transcription of this letter.

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