
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

General Robert E. Lee to [?], February 9, 1863

Camp, February 9, 1863.

I enclose a letter to your mother, which contains a passport for Mrs. Murdock, which it might be convenient for her to get tonight. Can you send it to her? No news. All well. Country liquid. Roads wretched. General Hooker is agitating something on the other side, or at all events is agitating his troops. Last Friday night he attempted to burn the R. R. Bridge at Rappr. Station, Orange and Alex'a R. R. He was driven off, but did it some damage. Extent not yet known. Yesterday he was marching his infantry up and down the river, etc.

SOURCE:  John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 226

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