
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

General Robert E. Lee to Mildred Childe Lee, December 25, 1862

I cannot tell you how I long to see you when a little quiet occurs. My thoughts revert to you, your sisters and mother; my heart aches for our reunion. Your brothers I see occasionally. This morning Fitzhugh rode by with his young aide-de-camp (Rob) at the head of his brigade, on his way up the Rappahannock. You must study hard, gain knowledge, and learn your duty to God and your neighbor; that is the great object of life. I have no news, confined constantly to camp and my thoughts occupied with its necessities and duties. I am, however, happy in the knowledge that General Burnside and his 'army will not eat their promised Xmas dinner in Richmond today.’

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 211

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