
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Local Matters

NO DISPATCHES LAST NIGHT. – Atmospheric electricity interfered very much with the working of the lines on Saturday, and we have only about one-half our usual dispatches.  We received none at all after dark Saturday.

THE ROCK ISLAND COAL FIELDS. – The Rock Island Argus says that Prof Wilbur, of that State, will be in Rock Island next week, for the purpose of examining the extensive mineral deposits of that county, after which he will deliver a course of free lectures on the subject in Rock Island.  In his examinations he will make a geological survey of Rock river, from Sterling to the mouth.

A NICE PRESENT. – Capt. Trout, of the well-known vegetable stand, on Brady st., first door above Morrison’s flour store, sent us in, Saturday evening, a basket of goodly proportions filled with radishes, onions, asparagus, carrots, pie-plant, &c., topped off, at the bottom, with a layer of lake white fish.  The Captain keeps every vegetable in its season, and if you can’t get what you want of him there is no use of trying further.

ACQUITTED. – We mentioned a few weeks since the arrest by detective Spaulding of one J. S. Bemis, on charge of being an accomplice in the robbing of the treasury of Bremer county of some six thousand dollars.  We understand he had his trial on Monday last, and was acquitted for want of sufficient evidence.  Nowels, of this city has been bound over, and will have his trial in July.  Spaulding, we believe, does not get the reward until the thieves are arrested and convicted.

DOGS. – A little over four hundred of these animals, or rather their owners, have taken advantage of the dog law, and that number of canines are permitted to live another year.  It is gratifying to know that the “big” dogs have not thought it beneath them to comply with the law.  “Abe Lincoln,” Sigel,” etc., are registered and  numbered, and so is “Jeff. Davis.”  The owner of the last named animal explained that he was the worst dog for killing sheep he ever knew: hence his name.

A SELF-VENTILATING REFRIGERATOR. – All new inventions are not necessarily improvements; many, very many, are patented merely for the purpose of selling out again.  When an invention, however, is based on thoroughly scientific and philosophical principles, we may safely call it an improvement.  Of this character is the above refrigerator.  This article is divided into two compartments, in the upper one of which is the ice-box, through which a current of air passes.  This air, falling as it is cooled, passes into the lower chamber where, again falling, it escapes up the sides of the box into the open air.  A steady current of air is therefore always kept up, so that the impurities arising from the meat and vegetables may pass off.  Mr. E. G. Odiorne is the agent for the Refrigerator in this city, and has a glass model at his store to show the philosophy of its workings.  See his advertisement.

FIFTH WARD. – The election in the Fifth ward for Alderman, last Saturday, went charmingly unanimous.  Mr. Walter Kelly received 178 votes, four other individuals receiving each one vote.  It is understood that two of the latter sold out to each other, under a pledge, of either was successful, that he would have Iowa street opened through to the North pole, or as near there as possible.  Of course, such “bribery and corruption” wouldn’t go down with the high-minded voters of the Fifth, and the cunning aspirants will have to turn their thoughts in other directions in order to acquire fame.  We congratulate our old settler, friend Walter, on his popularity, and hope to see him run next for Governor.”

DR. GUILBERT’S LECTURE. – We trust our citizens will generaly attend the public lecture of Dr. Guilbert, of Dubuque, to be given at the Congregational church on Wednesday evening next.  His subject is, “The Hero as Physician; Habnemann, Harvey and Jenner being the types.”  Dr. G. is said to be an orator; a man of fine scholarly attainments, and pleasing address.  If there be truth in the infinitesimal system of medicine, let us have it.  This is an age of progress and we can see no reason that the science of medicine should be centuries behind every other science, when our very lives hinge upon it.

Insurance against fire and the perils of inland transportation, and life insurance, can be had of W. F. Ross, general insurance agent, Metropolitan building, who will not represent any but the most reliable companies.


Preaching at the M. E. Church this (Sabbath) morning at 10½ o’clock by Rev. Mr. Fowler, of Chicago.  Preaching also in the evening as will be announced at the morning services.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, May 19, 1862, p. 1

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