
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sensible to the Last

The Democrat cannot endorse the Democratic address recently promulgated by Vallandigham and thirteen other pro-slavery members of Congress.  Good for Dick!  It is a vile production and we cannot see how any man having a particle of loyalty in his heart can give in his adhesion to such a document.  The Democrat does not, however, seem to object to the substance of the address so much as to the fact of it having so few signatures.  If he will wait awhile until Jeff. Davis, Floyd, Toombs, Wise and all those other chaps get a squint at it, and Mason and Slidell return from their excursion to Europe, it will get plenty of signatures.  Our neighbor has been a long time in getting his cue how to act in the premises, but having taken his stand we hope he will maintain it.  We had intended to fulminate an article against this address, but if even the Democrat cannot endorse it, it would be a waste of ammunition and we forbear.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, May 17, 1862, p. 2

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