
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Abraham Lincoln to Andrew Johnson, July 3, 1862

July 3, 1862.
Hon. Andrew Johnson.

My Dear Sir:

You are aware we have called for a big levy of new troops. If we can get a fair share of them in Tennessee I shall value it more highly than a like number most anywhere else, because of the face of the thing, and because they will be at the very place that needs protection. Please do what you can, and do it quickly. Time is everything. A word on another subject. If we could, somehow, get a vote of the people of Tennessee and have it result properly it would be worth more to us than a battle gained. How long before we can get such a vote?

Yours truly,

SOURCE: Roy P. Basler, Editor, The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. 5, p. 302-3;

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