
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Abraham Lincoln to Major General George B. McClellan, July 1, 1862

Executive Mansion,
Washington, July 1 1862.

Major Genl. McClellan –

It is impossible to re-inforce you for your present emergency. If we had a million of men we could not get them to you in time. We have not the men to send. If you are not strong enough to face the enemy you must find a place of security, and wait, rest, and repair. Maintain your ground if you can; but save the Army at all events, even if you fall back to Fortress-Monroe. We still have strength enough in the country, and will bring it out.


SOURCE: Roy P. Basler, Editor, The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. 5, p. 298; A copy of this letter can be found in The Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress;

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