
Saturday, January 18, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Brigadier General G. W. Custis Lee, August 18, 1863

CAMP ORANGE, August 18, 1863.


I have received your letter of the 15th, and thank you for the information of your mother, and Fitzhugh, etc.

I have been much exercised as to how I can pay my taxes. I have looked out for assessors and gatherers in vain. I have sent to find collectors in the counties where I have been, without success. I wish to pay the amount as a matter of right and conscience, and for the benefit of the State, but cannot accomplish it. I see too by the papers that unless a man pays by the 9th of September, he is charged double. That will come hard on those who have always been anxious to meet the requirements of law. Can you pay for me in Richmond? I do not know what I am chargeable for or how much I am to pay. I have nothing now not in the hands of the enemy, except $5,000 in C. S. bonds, which are not taxable I believe, and $5,000 or $8,000 in N. C. bonds, I forget which, that you may recollect have not been issued to me for want of a receipt that cannot be found. Perhaps there is a memorandum in my private box. Mr. Macfarland knows. I do not know how those coupon bonds, I hold, of the States, etc., within the U. S. that are beyond my reach, and some you know not available, and which do not pay, are considered.

In addition, I own three horses, a watch, my apparel and camp equipage. You know the condition of the estates of your grandfather. They are either in the hands of the enemy, or beyond my reach. The negroes have been liberated, everything swept off of them, houses, fences, etc., all gone. The land alone remains a waste. See if you can find some one that can enlighten you as to what I am to pay, both for myself and as executor of your grandfather's estates, and pay for me. I will send a check for the amount, if you will inform me. Give much love to all friends, and accept my warm love and prayers for your health and happiness.

Very truly and aff'y,
R. E. LEE.

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 288-9

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