
Thursday, January 16, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Colonel G. W. Custis Lee, May 11, 1863

CAMP, 11th May, 1863.


These hot days remind me I must prepare to lighten my clothing. Will you send me, by Thomas, the messenger of the A. and I. Gen'l., my gray sack, cotton drawers, and some cotton socks that I sent down last fall. Upon their arrival, I will send my flannels and will get you to put them in my trunk. You must excuse all the trouble I give you. I have no one else to aid me, and cannot leave here.

If the President cannot visit the army, I must go to him for a day at least. In that event, I could make these exchanges myself. I found Ham in this army, and requested his employer to send him down to Mr. Eacho to get his free papers.

I have not heard whether he obtained them. I heard from your mother yesterday. She was at Shirly, but did not seem satisfied. I fear she is no better. I wish I could do something for her relief. You will have heard of the death of General Jackson. It is a terrible loss. I do not know how to replace him. Any victory would be dear at such a cost. But God's will be done. His body goes to R. today. Give love to all.

Truly and aff. your father,
R. E. LEE.

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 287-8

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