
Sunday, January 5, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Margaret & Carrie Stuart, September 10, 1863

Camp, 10th September, 1863.


I have not seen you all day. I hope this has not made you as sad as it has me. I would have gone to you this afternoon, but heard you went to ride on horseback with some of the young men.

Tomorrow I shall be engaged all the morning. There will be a review of Hill's corps at 3 P. M., should weather permit. If you wish to be present, I will send the wagon and can then see you on the ground at intervals at least. Let me know your wishes. I have kept a basket of grapes for you all day. I send a letter for Carrie, which came tonight. It looks as if it came from the signal officer. Rob does not like its appearance, and is taking refuge in sleep, in hopes to smother his sorrow. Good-night. May good angels guard you and bright visions cheer you.

Very truly and affectionately your father,
R. E. LEE.

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 283

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