
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hannibal Hamlin to Abraham Lincoln, September 25, 1862

BANGOR, September 25, 1862.

MY DEAR SIR, — I do not know as in the multiplicity of the correspondence with which you are burdened this note will ever reach your eye; but I desire to express my undissembled and sincere thanks for your Emancipation Proclamation. It will stand as the great act of the age. It will prove to be wise in statesmanship as it is patriotic. It will be enthusiastically approved and sustained, and future generations will, as I do, say God bless you for this great and noble act.

Yours sincerely,
To the President.

SOURCE: Charles Eugene Hamlin, The Life and Times of Hannibal Hamlin, p. 439

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