
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Large Arrival of Memphis Refugees at Cairo

CAIRO, May 17, 1862.

The steamer Shingess has just arrived from below with thirty refugees from Memphis.  It is the same old story of impressments, outrage and flight.  The Union citizens are waiting, hoping and praying for the advent of the Union army.

A large number of the refugees also just arrived here to-day by the steamer Diligent.  They also report there are three or four hundred more on the way.  A number of them are men of families who have always been strong Union men, and have left their families behind rather than bear arms against the Federal Government.

Some of them are men of means, and well known in this community.  Thus they almost became intoxicated with joy when they landed here, saying they once more breathed the pure atmosphere of liberty.  One of them brings Memphis papers of the 13th, which contain the evacuation of Pensacola, also the surrender of Norfolk, and the burning of Memphis, which they say is a military necessity.  The Memphis Appeal has moved its office to Grenada, Miss., and for the present works its edition off on a small hand press, ready to leave whenever our fleet arrives at Memphis, which is momentarily expected.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 20, 1862, p. 2

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