
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mary Todd Lincoln to Abraham Lincoln, November 2,1862

Nov 2d–

My Dear Husband

I have waited in vain to hear from you, yet as you are not given to letter writing, will be charitable enough to impute your silence, to the right cause. Strangers come up from W– & tell me you are well – which satisfies me very much – Your name is on every lip and many prayers and good wishes are hourly sent up, for your welfare – and McClellan & his slowness are as vehemently discussed. Allowing this beautiful weather, to pass away, is disheartening the North –

Dear little Taddie is well & enjoying himself very much – Gen & Mrs Anderson & myself called on yesterday to see Gen Scott– He looks well, although complaining of Rheumatism– A day or two since, I had one of my severe attacks, if it had not been for Lizzie Keckley, I do not know what I should have done– Some of these periods, will launch me away– All the distinguished in the land, have tried how polite & attentive, they could be to me, since I came up here– Many say, they would almost worship you, if you would put a fighting General, in the place of McClellan– This would be splendid weather, for an engagement– I have had two suits of clothes made for Taddie which will come to 26 dollars– Have to get some fur outside wrappings for the Coachman's Carriage trappings– Lizzie Keckley, wants me to loan her thirty dollars – so I will have to ask for a check of $100 – which will soon be made use of, for these articles– I must send you, Taddies tooth– I want to leave here for Boston, on Thursday & if you will send the check by Tuesday, will be much obliged—

One line, to say that we are occasionally remembered, will be gratefully received – by yours very truly

M. L.

I enclose you a note from Mr Stewart, he appears very solicitous about his young friend– Mr S. is so strong a Union Man – & asks so few favors – if it came in your way, perhaps it would not be amiss to oblige–

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