
Friday, February 14, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Brigadier General G. W. Custis Lee, March 29, 1864

CAMP, ORANGE CO., 29th March, 1864.

I received tonight, my dear son, your letter of the 25th, returning Colonel Stevens's. The recommendation of you to succeed General Elzey is highly complimentary. No one can predict with certainty with what success you would operate, but I think you will do as well as those at least who have preceded you.

I see no reason why you should not be successful. You have intelligence, energy, strength, and the independence of the country at heart. The time is coming, indeed has come, when every one must put out their strength. They cannot consult their feelings or individual opinions where to serve, but must take those positions where it is reasonably evident they will be of most value. If you can be of more service in commanding the troops around Richmond, than in your present position, I think you ought to accept.

The prospect is now stronger than a week since that the struggle in Virginia for Richmond will be continued. Grant is now with the Army of the Potomac. The impression in that army is that he will operate it. Burnside is collecting an army at Annapolis.

It will probably be thrown on one of our flanks. There are indications that more troops will be sent to the Valley of the Shenandoah. It is said they have commenced to rebuild the R. R. from Harper's Ferry to Winchester. Everything at this time is suggestive of another attempt on Richmond. It may be intended to mislead us, but it must not be neglected. The troops around Richmond may have an important part to play.

They should be well prepared and well commanded. I would rather have you there than any one I could now select. I hope therefore you will decide wisely. But if you do not accept the position, I think from the fact that it was tendered to you, connected with the former proposition for you to command in the Valley, it is evident that the President thinks your services in the field are desirable. You can, therefore, signify your desire for it, in some other capacity than that suggested. It is necessary that the corps of engineers attached to this army should be reorganized and strengthened. I also want a proper chief.

If you do not take the service now offered, and will accept that of Chief of Engineers of this army, I will apply for you. If you do not take it, I must get some one else. I never had any conversation with the President as to the rank the chief would hold, and, therefore, cannot speak on that point. I would prefer to have a general officer on many accounts, as he could take command of the troops operating under him. There will be an engineer regiment under Colonel Talcott, several companies of pioneers, under charge of engineer officers, engineer officers with the staff of the army, etc., etc., and I think it would form a proper command for a brigadier-general. You would be of great comfort and assistance to me as chief of staff, but I think it probable the position of chief of engineers would be more agreeable to you. You refuse command because you have no experience in the field. I appreciate the motives. But until you come in the field you never will gain experience. I think now is the time for you to take the field in some capacity. I assure you every one that has capacity will be much needed.

If Grant operates the army in Virginia, he will concentrate a large force on one or more lines. Unless we can take the initiative in the West to disturb their plans, we shall have to concentrate to meet him. I shall require all the aid I can get. Fitzhugh has reached Stuart's camp this evening. I have not seen him. There is a terrible rain-storm raging, and we are pretty much deluged. I have written for him to come over in the morning. I am glad to hear that all are well. Give much love to your mother and the girls. God bless, guide, and protect you, my dear son,

Your father,
R. E. LEE.

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 302-3

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