
Friday, February 28, 2014

Colonel Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, May 8, 1861

May 8th.

At present I am living in an elegant mansion, with Major Preston in my room. Mr. Massie is on my staff, and left this morning for Richmond as bearer of despatches, but will return in a few days. I am strengthening my position, and if attacked shall, with the blessing of Providence, repel the enemy. I am in good health, considering the great amount of labor which devolves upon me, and the loss of sleep to which I am subjected, but I hope to have a good sleep to-night, and trust that my habits will be more regular in the future. Colonels Preston and Massie have been of great service to me. Humanly speaking, I don't see how I could have accomplished the amount of work I have done without them. . . . Oh, how I would love to see your precious face!

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 151-2

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