
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

From Robert S. Chew to Abraham Lincoln, April 8, 1861

Charleston S. C. April 8th 1861
To The President

Under the foregoing orders I left Washington at 6 P.M. Saturday April 6th, 1861, in company with Capt. Theodore Talbot, U. S. Army, and arrived at Charleston, S. C. on Monday at the same hour. Finding that Fort Sumter had neither been surrendered, evacuated nor attacked, I immediately thro' Capt. Talbot, requested an interview with Governor Pickens, which was at once accorded to me, and I then read to him the portion of said orders in italics, and delivered to him the copy of the same which was furnished to me for that purpose, in the presence of Capt Talbot. Govr. Pickens received the Copy and said he would submit it to General Beauregard, he having, since the ratification of the Constitution of the Confederate States by South Carolina, been placed in charge of the Military operations in this vicinity – Genl. Beauregard was accordingly sent for, and the Governor read the paper to him.

In reply to a remark made by Governor Pickens in reference to an answer I informed him that I was not authorised to receive any communication from him in reply—

Respectfully submitted
R. S. Chew

SOURCES: Roy P. Basler, editor, Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 4, p. 324. A copy of this letter is in The Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress.

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