
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Margaret Stuart, March 20 1864

CAMP, ORANGE CO., 20th March, 1864.

I enclose to your care, dear Cousin Margaret, notes to your mother and little sister which I hope you can send to them without trouble. I wish also to say to you that you must write me that letter over again. In the pile that I found on my table there was not one line from you. Are you sure you wrote it? Perhaps it was to some other old general in this army. This makes two of your letters that the public have deprived me of. I can tell you for your satisfaction that General Johnson is well, that General Early has just returned from a visit home, and is handsomer than ever. He looks high in his new garments, and the black plume in his beaver gives him the air of a gay cavalier. You will have to pay us another visit, Maggie, but no one wants to see you as much as your cousin. Present my kind regards to Mrs. Randolph. Tell her I thought of her before 12 o'clock the day I left, for I missed my breakfast. She knows the pleasure the recollection of her always gives me, but that morning it brought material comfort. Tell Miss Jeannie I hope the dear Dr. is happy.

Truly and affectionately, yours,
R. E. LEE.

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 301-2

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