
Saturday, February 22, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Mary Custis Lee, July 24, 1864

CAMP, PETERSBURG, July 24, 1864.

The ladies of Petersburg have sent me a nice set of shirts. They were given to me by Mrs. James R. Branch and her mother, Mrs. Thomas Branch. In fact, they have given me everything —  which I fear they cannot spare — vegetables, bread, milk, ice cream. Today one of them sent me a nice peach — the first one I think I have seen for two years. I sent it to Mrs. Shippen. Mr. Piatt held services again today under the trees near my camp. We had quite a large congregation of citizens, ladies, and gentlemen, and our usual number of soldiers. During the services I constantly heard the shells crashing among the houses of Petersburg. Tell Life I send her a song composed by a French soldier. As she is so learned in that language I want her to send me a reply in verse.

1 His youngest daughter, Mildred Lee.

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 318

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