
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Major General George B. McClellan to Abraham Lincoln, March 12, 1862

Head-Quarters of the Army of Potomac
Fairfax C. H. March 12 1862
His Excellency Abram Lincoln President

My dear Sir:

I have just seen Gov. Dennison who had detailed to me the conversations he held with you yesterday & today.

I beg to say to you that I cordially endorse all that he said to you in my behalf, and that I thank you most sincerely for the official confidence & kind personal feelings you entertain for me. I believe I said to you some weeks since, in connection with some western matters, that no feeling of self interest or ambition should ever prevent me from devoting myself to your service – I am glad to have the opportunity to prove it, & you will find that under present circumstances I shall work just as cheerfully as ever before, & that no consideration of self will in any manner interfere with the discharge of my public duties.

Again thanking you for the official & personal kindness you have so often evinced towards me

I am most sincerely & respectfully
your friend
Geo B McClellan

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