
Monday, February 17, 2014

Major Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, February 23, 1861


I was very thankful to our kind Heavenly Father for his protecting care extended over my little pet, as stated in your letter. I do delight to receive letters from my little woman. If Sue is approachable on the Avery question, tell her she must be very litigious if she finds it necessary to engage the services of a member of the legal profession for life! Tell her we have them here from a mere tyro up to a judge of the Federal court, though do not mention the subject to her if you think it would be at all unpleasant.

On Saturday I sent your boy, George, with your horse and wagon down to Thompson's landing, and brought up a barrel of nice Richmond sweet potatoes. I have laid aside the best, and hope they will keep till my little pet gets home.

What think you? I went down to your henhouse yesterday evening, pursuant to orders, and, looking into the nests, found nine fresh eggs besides the Deaver1, and, appropriating eight of them, I returned, leaving one in each nest.

1 A porcelain egg bought of a man of that name.

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 137-8

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