
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Major Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, March 16, 1861

March 16th.

Amy has gone to grace the wedding of one of her colored friends by her imposing presence. George left for C's on the morning of March 1st, and I haven't seen his delectable face since. I am thankful to say that everything is working well at home. I expect to continue sending you letters as long as you stay away. You had better come home if you want to stop this correspondence. I have been working to-day at your garden fence to keep your chickens out, and also to prevent egress and ingress between our garden and that of Señor Deaver.

Your peas are just beginning to make their appearance above ground. . . . The colored Sabbath-school is greatly blessed in numbers and teachers, and is doing a good work. . . . Your friends here remember my darling with much interest.

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 138-9

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