
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Major Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, April 23, 1861


The cadets are encamped on the Fair grounds, which is about a mile and a half out of the city, on the left side of the road. We have excellent quarters. Colonel Robert E. Lee of the army is here, and has been made major-general. This I regard as of more value to us than to have General Scott as commander; as it is understood that General Lee is to be our commander-in-chief, and I regard him as a better officer than General Scott. So far as we hear, God is crowning our cause with success, but I don't wish to send rumors to you. I will try to give facts as they become known, though I may not have time to write more than a line or so. The governor and others holding responsible offices have not enough time for their duties, they are so enormous at this date.

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 148-9

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