
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mortality of Iowa Soldiers

The following list comprises the names of Iowa volunteers who have died in the vicinity of St. Louis at the dates named. – For further information, apply to John A. Smithers, 113 Chesnut street, St. Louis.

May 10 – Ch. Krummel, Co. B, 12th regt.
May 10 – John Mack, Co. C, 3d regt.
May 11 – Th. M. Pasely, Co. H, 17th regt.
May 12 – Isaac Hanowell, Co. C, 7th regt.
May 12 – Isaiah Wilson, Co. B, 2d Cav.
May 12 – Jas. H. Wills, Co. E, [6th] regt.
May 14 – Jno. F. Reynolds, Co. D, [6th] regt.
May 15 – H. Boung, Co. F, 17th regt.
May 15 – N. H. Haldeman, Co. C, 2d regt.
May 15 – H. M. Howe, Co. A, 6th regt.
May 16 – Aborn Crippin, Co. F, 12th regt.
May 16 – John S. Bush, 2nd Cavalry
May 16 – W. C. Cunningham, Co. D, 6th Regiment.
May 17 – H. D. Reasoner, Co. C, 4th regt.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 21, 1862, p. 1

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