
Friday, February 7, 2014

The Dubuque Herald grows indignant . . .

. . . because some writer for a New York Paper has attempted to “blast the fair fame of that city” by stating that there was a secesh organization in Dubuque.  The indignation is rather prettily got up for the occasion, but as long as Dubuque tolerates the Herald, there is no need for any display on that score.  It is as rank a secession sheet as the Memphis Argus, but not so bold and avowed it its sympathies. – Cin. Com.

True as preaching.  We awoke yesterday morning with a dream on our mind, and strange to say, Mahony was the subject of it.  We thought that the jesuitical old gentleman approached us in his hypocritical manner, and demurely said, that if he thought his course had a tendency to make people think meanly of him, he would at once dissolve his connection with the Herald!  And thus we spoke in our dream, stronger language than we are accustomed to use in our waking hours: “You hypocritical old knave!  You are the concentrated quintessence of meanness, one drop of which would kill a dog!”  We awoke too soon to note the effect our language had upon him, but were we in the betting line, would wager a pair of old boots that he tried to argue us out of our opinion.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 20, 1862, p. 2

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