
Monday, March 3, 2014

Colonel Thomas J. Jackson to Mary Anna Morrison Jackson, June 4, 1861

June 4th.

Little one, you wrote me that you wanted longer letters, and now just prepare yourself to have your wish gratified. You say that your husband never writes you any news. I suppose you meant military news, for I have written you a great deal about your esposo and how much he loves you. What do you want with military news? Don't you know that it is unmilitary and unlike an officer to write news respecting one's post? You wouldn't wish your husband to do an unofficer-like thing, would you? I have a nice, green yard, and if you were only here, how much we could enjoy it together! But do not attempt to come, as before you could get here I might be ordered elsewhere. My chamber is on the second story, and the roses climb even to that height, and come into my window, so that I have to push them out, when I want to lower it. I wish you could see with me the beautiful roses in the yard and garden, and upon the wall of the house here; but my sweet, little sunny face is what I want to see most of all. Little one, you are so precious to somebody's heart! I have been greatly blessed by our kind Heavenly Father, in health and otherwise, since leaving home. The troops here have been divided into brigades, and the Virginia forces under General Johnston constitute the First Brigade, of which I am in command.

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 159

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