
Saturday, March 29, 2014

From Cairo and Halleck’s Army

(Special to the Chicago Journal.)
CAIRO, May 20.

The steamer Platte Valley, from Pittsburg Landing Monday a. m., has just arrived, but brings nothing important.  Heavy cannonading was heard at the Landing on Sunday night, but no significance was attached to it.  The usual skirmishing occurs daily, but no general engagement is anticipated for some days.

Under the operation of Gen. Halleck’s recent order, an advance guard of Bohemians arrived this morning.  The remainder of the corps, numbering about twenty, is expected to-day, all correspondents having been excluded from within the lines.

The Commissioners to received the votes of Illinois troops on the new Constitution returned from below to-day.  They took the votes of the Illinois soldiers stationed at Columbus and Hickman.  Nearly twelve hundred votes were polled, of which over nine hundred were against its adoption.  It is significant that most of those voting against it are democrats.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 22, 1862, p. 1

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