
Saturday, March 8, 2014

The following letter was written previous to . . .

. . . the date of the dispatch from Mr. Gifford, published yesterday, but contains some facts in relation to the work of aiding sick and wounded soldiers not heretofore laid before our readers:

CAIRO, Ill., May 15, 1862 – 9 A. M.
REV. A. J. KYNETT, Sec. &c.

I have very fortunately got passage on boat City of Alton in charge of Gov. Yates; through the kindness of Gen. Strong and E. Folsom.  Having a few moments before the boat leaves, I write you all the information I can obtain so hurriedly.  Gov. Yates has commissioned Mr. Raub, of Chicago, as agent, who has had a good deal of experience in sanitary matters.  He tells me the only way to reach the wants of the suffering, is to have an agent, to whom all goods shall be sent, and said agent to make it his duty to distribute the same.  He also tells me that the thing most needed is nourishment in shape of jellies – fruits (can and dried); good liquor, (whiskey and brandy.)  Also the best wines, (the home-made wine is not of any use, as it ferments, sours, &c.)

You had better make a collection of the above articles, and forward to me at Cairo, in care of E. Folsom; also send the best porter and ale in bottles, well packed – send a good quantity of it, not less than one gross.  I cannot tell you of course of all that would be of service, but things will suggest themselves to you while packing.  The Jamaica ginger (essence) is good.  I paid $3.50 a dozen for it here; if you can get it there send it.

Now in regard to clothing, I can tell you nothing, except that Rev. E. Folsom says there is a great scarcity of thin cotton drawers, of anything else he could not tell me. – Perhaps it would be as well to suggest the same to the ladies, and if you have them on hand send on.  Direct to me at Cairo in care of Folsom.

I made some inquire about steamboat accommodations, and was told that every facility would be granted by the commander at Pittsburg Landing, and that a boat could be secured there to load with wounded, if necessary and the opinion here prevails that a battle will very soon take place.  If so, we are none too soon at work, and there is plenty of it to do.  Center is useful and energetic.  Gen. Strong welcomed me very cordially and thanked the Governor for this noble effort to aid his brave soldiers.  I wrote you a few lines a moment ago, but since learned the facts above, and while the boat was still at the landing, improved the opportunity of stating them over again partially.  All well. – the weather quite warm.

Very respectfully yours,

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 21, 1862, p. 1

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