
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

From Gen. McClellan’s Army


The Pickets of the enemy were driven across the Bottom bridge yesterday, by the troops advancing in that direction.  The rebels attempted to regain the post by the use of artillery, but failed.  Our batteries opened, shelling the road each side of the bridge.  The advance under Gen. Stoneman, reached New Bridge yesterday, within eight miles of Richmond, but found no enemy in force this side of the Chickahominy, which at that point was a small creek.  The country in that locality is in a good state of cultivation.  Six pieces of artillery were found posted on the opposite bank, but his purpose being not to bring an engagement on, he retired from the ridge and encamped.

During the day, while driving in the enemy’s outposts, he had one man killed and three wounded.

The whole army moved this morning early, with the intention of making a long march.  What roads they took it is not necessary to state, but the headquarters of Gen. McClellan to-night are within a short distance of Richmond, in front of which city is supposed to be encamped the main body of the rebel army.  If they intend to give the Union forces battle, which is almost universally acknowledge to be the case, the hour is drawing near at hand when they will have an opportunity.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 22, 1862, p. 1

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