
Friday, May 9, 2014

General Robert E. Lee, April 2, 1865

April 2, 1865.

Generals Longstreet's and Hill's corps will cross the pontoon bridge at Battersea Factory, and take the River road, north side of Appomattox, to Bevill's Bridge to-night. General Gordon's corps will cross at Pocahontas and railroad bridges, his troops taking Hickory road, following General Longstreet to Bevill's Bridge, and his wagons taking the Woodpecker road to Old Colville, endeavoring not to interfere with Mahone's troops from Chesterfield Court-House, who will take the same road. General Mahone's division will take the road to Chesterfield Court-House, thence by Old Colville to Goode's Bridge. Mahone's wagons will precede him on the same road or take some road to his right. General Ewell's command will cross the James River at and below Richmond, taking the road to Branch Church, via Gregory's, to Genito road, via Genito Bridge to Amelia Court-House. The wagons from Richmond will take the Manchester pike and Buckingham road, via Meadville, to Amelia Court-House. The movement of all troops will commence at 8 o'clock, the artillery moving out quietly first, infantry following, except the pickets, who will be withdrawn at 3 o'clock. The artillery not required with the troops will be moved by the roads prescribed for the wagons, or such other as may be most convenient. Every officer is expected to give his unremitting attention to cause the movement to be made successfully.

By order of General Lee:
 Assistant Adjutant-General.

After all the infantry and artillery have crossed, Pocahontas and Campbell's Bridges will be destroyed by the engineers. The pontoon bridge at Battersea Factory and the railroad bridges will be reserved for the pickets.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 46, Part 3 (Serial No. 97), p. 1379; John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 364

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