
Thursday, May 22, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Dr. Orlando Fairfax, December 28, 1862

CAMP, FREDERICKSBURG, December 28, 1862.

I have grieved most deeply at the death of your noble son.1 I have watched his conduct from the commencement of the war, and have pointed with pride to the patriotism, self-denial, and manliness of character he has exhibited. I had hoped an opportunity would occur for the promotion he deserved; not that it would have elevated him, but have shown that his devotion to duty was appreciated by his country. Such an opportunity would undoubtedly have occurred; but he has been translated to a better world, for which his purity and piety eminently fitted him. You do not need to be told how great is his gain. It is the living for whom I sorrow. I beg that you will offer to Mrs. Fairfax and your daughters my heartfelt sympathy, for I know the depth of their grief. That God may give you and them strength to bear this great affliction, is the earnest prayer of,

Your early friend,
R. E. LEE.

1 Randolph Fairfax.

SOURCE: John William Jones, Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee: Soldier and Man, p. 473

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