
Sunday, May 18, 2014

John Brown to John Brown Jr., December 9, 1852

AKRON, OHIO, Dec. 9, 1852.

DEAR SON JOHN, — I reached home last night, and found all well. I came by the Erie Railroad, and got along very well until I left Dunkirk. Fare from Dunkirk to Cleveland, $8.90; expenses from same to same, $4.02, and was two and a half entire days getting through, the roads being vastly worse than when we went out. Had I expected so hard and so expensive a trip, I should not have returned. I mean to go back by Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, there being on that route but twenty-eight miles of sleighing, from Troy to Hudson, and that on a good road. I intend to get back to Troy by the 17th if I can. Have not yet seen Mr. Perkins, to have any conversation with him of any account. Whatever you may do in the preparation of papers will be all well for the Burlington case. You will have saved a great amount of exposure, hardship, and expense by staying behind.

Your affectionate father,

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 84

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