
Saturday, May 10, 2014

John Brown to John Brown Jr., November 20, 1852

Nov. 20, 1852

I parted with Frederick at Ravenna, on his way to your place; he has told you of the death of our Mr. Jenkins (of Vernon, N. Y., a brother of Timothy Jenkins). We have employed Timothy Jenkins, M. C, to finish up his business, and I am now on my way to assist him to understand it, previous to having our trial with O. J. Richardson. We now expect our trial at Boston to come off sometime about the middle of December, and hope to see the end of it before the close. We hope the situation of your family is such, before this time, that you are relieved in regard to the anxiety you have expressed, so that you can leave at once, and go on when you get notice of the time. I will send you funds for your expenses and the earliest possible information of the exact time when the trial will come on. All were well at home and at Hudson this morning. I should wait and go on with you, did not our Warren business require my immediate attention. I suppose our Pittsburgh cause is decided before this; but we had not heard from it when I left. I will only add that you all have my most earnest desire for your real welfare. Will you drop me a line (care of A. B. Ely, Esq., Boston), on receipt of this, to let me hear how you all do?

Your affectionate father,

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 83

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