
Monday, May 26, 2014

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Brigadier-General Nathan Kimball, June 5, 1863

Head Quarters, Dept. of the Tn.
Near Vicksburg, June 5th/63
Brig. Gen. N. Kimball,
Comd.g Advance Forces,
Mechanicsburg Miss.


Your dispatch is just received. I will renew my instructions not to run any risk of having your forces cut off from the main body. If Mechanicsburg is not safely tenable fall back to Oak Ridge Post Office or Hain’s Bluff as necessity may dictate. Should you move back of course you will direct the transports and Gunboats at Satartia to fall back to such position as will be most advantageous to you.

I am exceedingly anxious to learn the probable force of the enemy on the West side of the Black River. Keep me constantly informed of all you may be able to learn.

Very respectfully
Maj. Gen. Com

SOURCE: John Y. Simon, Editor, The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 8: April 1-July 6, 1863, p. 316

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