
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant’s General Orders, No. 25, April 22, 1863


Milliken's Bend, La., April 22, 1863.

I. Corps, division, and post commanders will afford all facilities for the completion of the negro regiments now organizing in this department. Commissaries will issue supplies, and quartermasters will furnish stores, on the same requisitions and returns as are required from other troops. It is expected that all commanders will especially exert themselves in carrying out the policy of the Administration, not only in organizing colored regiments and rendering them efficient, but also in removing prejudice against them.

II. In accordance with General Orders, No. 85, Adjutant-General's Office, series 1862, army corps commanders will cause to be issued to all convalescent small-pox patients an entire suit of clothing, free of charge, on being reported for duty by their medical officer. It will be the duty of surgeons in charge of pest-houses to see that all clothing worn by the patients during their sickness is destroyed, and all other necessary precautions taken to prevent the spread of the disease. In the absence of corps commanders, issues of clothing required by this order will be directed by the highest military commander nearest the pest-houses.

By order of Maj. Gen. U.S. Grant:

Assistant Adjutant-General.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 220

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