
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Proclamation of Alexander W. Randall, Governor of Wisconsin, April 16, 1861

To The Loyal People of Wisconsin:

For the first time in the history of this Federal Government, organized treason has manifested itself within several States of the Union, and armed rebels are making war against it. The Proclamation of the President of the United States tells of unlawful combinations too powerful to be suppressed in the ordinary manner, and calls for military forces to suppress such combinations, and to sustain him in executing the laws. The treasures of the country must no longer be plundered; the public property must be protected from aggressive violence; that already seized, must be retaken, and the laws must be executed in every State of the Union alike.
A demand made upon Wisconsin by the President of the United States, for aid to sustain the Federal Arm, must meet with a prompt response. One Regiment of the Militia of this State, will be required for immediate service, and further services will be required as the exigencies of the Government may demand. It is a time when, against the civil and religious liberties of the people, and against the integrity of the Government of the United States, parties and politicians and platforms must be as dust in the balance. All good citizens, everywhere, must join in making common cause against a common enemy.

Opportunities will be immediately offered to all existing military companies, under the direction of the proper authorities of the State, for enlistment to fill the demand of the Federal Government, and I hereby invite the patriotic citizens of the State to enroll themselves into companies of seventy-eight men each, and to advise the Executive of their readiness to be mustered into service immediately. Detailed instructions will be furnished on the acceptance of companies, and the commissioned officers of each regiment will nominate their own field officers.

In times of public danger bad men grow bold and reckless. The property of the citizen becomes unsafe, and both public and private rights liable to be jeopardized. I enjoin upon all administrative and peace officers within the State renewed vigilance in the maintenance and execution of the laws, and in guarding against excesses leading to disorder among the people.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin, this 16th day of April A. D. 1861.

By the Governor,
L. P. Harvey, Secretary of State,

SOURCE: Edwin Bentley Quiner, The Military History of Wisconsin, p.47

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