
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Proclamation of Ignatius Donnelly, Governor ad interim of Minnesota, April 16, 1861


whereas, The Government of the United States in the due enforcement of the laws has for several months past been resisted by armed organizations of citizens in several of the Southern States, who, precipitating the country into revolution, have seized upon and confiscated the property of the nation to the amount of many millions of dollars, have taken possession of its forts and arsenals, have fired upon its flag, and at last, consummating their treason, have under circumstances of peculiar indignity and humiliation assaulted and captured a Federal fort, occupied by Federal troops; and,

Whereas, All these outrages it is evident are to be followed by an attempt to seize upon the national capital and the offices and archives of the government; and,

Whereas, The President of the United States recurring in this extremity to the only resource left him — the patriotism of a people, who through three great wars, and all the changes of eighty-five years have ever proved true to the cause of law, order and free institutions — has issued a requisition to the governors of the several states for troops to support the government .

Now Therefore, In pursuance of the law and of the requisition of the President of the United States, I do hereby give notice that volunteers will be received at the city of St. Paul for one regiment of infantry, composed of ten companies, each of sixty-four privates, one captain, two lieutenants, four sergeants, four corporals and one bugler. The volunteer companies already organized, upon complying with the foregoing requirements as to numbers and officers, will be entitled to be first received. The term of service will be three months, unless sooner discharged. Volunteers will report themselves to the adjutant general at St. Paul, by whom orders will at once be issued, giving all the necessary details as to enrollment and organization.

Given under my hand and the great seal of the state at St. Paul, this sixteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one.

[seal.]                                                                                                                     Ignatius Donnelly,
By the Governor.                                                                                               Governor ad interim

J. H. Baker,
Secretary of State.

SOURCE: Minnesota. Board of Commissioners on Publication of History of Minnesota in Civil and Indian Wars, Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars, 1861-1865, Volume 2, p. 3

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