
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Proclamation of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Governor of Iowa, April 17, 1861


Whereas, The President of the United States has made a requisition on the Executive of the State of Iowa for one regiment of militia, to aid the Federal Government in enforcing its laws and suppressing rebellion. Now therefore I, Samuel J. Kirkwood, Governor of the State of Iowa, do issue this proclamation and hereby call upon the militia of this State immediately to form, in the different counties volunteer companies, with the view of entering the active military service of the United States for the purpose aforesaid. The regiment at present required will consist of ten companies of at least seventy-eight men each, one captain and two lieutenants to be elected by each company.

Under the present requisition only one regiment can be accepted, and the companies accepted must hold themselves in readiness for duty by the 20th of May next at farthest. If a sufficient number of companies are tendered, their service maybe required. If more companies are formed and reported than can be received under the present call, their services will be required in the event of another requisition upon this State. The nation is in peril. A fearful attempt is being made to overthrow the Constitution and dissolve the Union. The aid of every loyal citizen is invoked to sustain the General Government.

For the honor of our State let the requirement of the President be cheerfully and promptly met.

Iowa City, April 17, A. D. 1861.

SOURCE: Henry Warren Lathrop, The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, p. 114

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