
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Relief Association

It is well, in view of the fact that we are soon to have a military hospital at Camp McClellan, that we have such organizations as the Relief and Soldiers’ Aid Association to make preparations, and through their energetic Executive Committee care for the invalids when they arrive, and dispense the benefactions of the kind-hearted to the relief of the sufferers in a systematic manner.  Last fall, a great portion of the donations for the comfort of the soldiers at Camp McClellan were lost for want of proper management.  It is even said that of all the goods donated at that time, in the shape of blankets, quilts, &c., none can now be found.  There was no one in particular to take care of them, and as everybody’s business is generally very well taken care of by nobody, no one can be found who knows anything of them.  Hereafter such matters will be carefully attended to, by a person or persons, especially selected for the purpose; so that articles contributed will be made to do all the good they possibly can, and care will be taken that they be not stolen or squandered.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 22, 1862, p. 1

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