
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Senator John Sherman to William Dennison, Governor of Ohio, April 20, 1861

Mansfield, Ohio
 April 20th/61
My dear Sir

I am very anxious to render any service to the Govmt in my power prior to the meeting of Congress.

From Sandusky I telegraphed to you this desire in hopes I might be made serviceable in the staff of some Gen'l Officer or some position consistent with my slender knowledge of military duties and with my official duties as a Member.

I wish no pay or emolument and still hope you may assign me some such position as I indicate. If you do it I will obey your orders if you do not I will go to Phil or Washington.

I much fear a great disaster at the Capitol before we are prepared to meet it.

Yours Truly,
John Sherman

Gov Dennison –

SOURCE:  This letter is housed in the Library of Congress in Washington, D. C., and was accessed on May 27, 2014, on the website of the United States Senate, upon which there is a transcript and a high resolution digital scan of the letter.

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