
Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Star-Flag Of The Free

(From the Ledger.)


“The Union now and forever — ONE and inseparable.” — WEBSTER. 
“United we stand — divided we fall.” — PROVERB.

This is the price of Liberty,
“Eternal vigilance and care;”
Sustain the star-flag of the free,
Our Union — represented there.
No traitor shall, with recreant hand,
Remove it from its place on high—
The symbol of our native land,
Which might the world in arms defy!

Oh ye, who cherish Liberty,
And every hope that on her waits,
Preserve for your posterity
The perfect Union of the States.
The stars that flutter to the breeze,
Were cluster'd there at Freedom's call—
Stern Fate foreshadowed all of these,
If sundered, would to ruin fall!

Then read, ye sons of Liberty,
And mark the homely proverb well,
Words that denote your destiny
Should States this solemn truth repel.
In Union there is strength and peace,
In separation endless wars—
Guard, bravely guard, till time shall cease,
Our country's free-born Flag of Stars.

Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, May 22, 1862, p. 2

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