
Thursday, May 29, 2014

William A. Buckingham, Governor of Connecticut, to Abraham Lincoln, May 3, 1861

state Of Connecticut, Executive Department,
Hartford, May 3, 1861.

Dear Sir: The General Assembly of the state has placed $2,000,000 at my disposal for the purpose of organizing, equipping and arming the militia of the state, and for mustering them into the service of the United States. Allow me to say that this appropriation was made by the unanimous vote of both houses, and indicates the sentiment of the citizens of this state, and their determination in the strongest and most positive position which you will assume in defence of the authority of the government. I am, dear sir,

Yours with high consideration,

William A. Buckingham.

to Abraham Lincoln, President Of The United States.

SOURCE: Samuel Giles Buckingham, The Life of William A. Buckingham, the War Governor of Connecticut, p. 158

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