
Friday, June 13, 2014

Colonel Thomas Kilby Smith to Elizabeth Budd Smith, March 27, 1863

“young's Point,” La., March 27, 1863.
My Dear Wife:

On the 17th inst., ten days ago, my command, with the residue of General Sherman's old division, was suddenly ordered to reinforce Admiral Porter's fleet of gunboats, which had advanced up Steele's Bayou, with a view to an attack upon Yazoo City. The order came after midnight; and by daybreak we were embarked upon transports and under weigh, leaving our horses, transportation, and all impedimenta behind. The infantry accomplished all that was expected, but the Admiral was frustrated in his designs. To-night we are returned to our old camping ground and I am accepting General Grant's hospitality, and propose to stay on board the Magnolia, his headquarters.

SOURCE: Walter George Smith, Life and letters of Thomas Kilby Smith, p. 282-3

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