
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

General Robert E. Lee to Lieutenant-General James Longstreet, March 2, 1865

Head Quarters, March 2, 1865.

General, — I have received to-day your letter of the 1st instant, and concluded to propose an interview to General Grant. As you desired to have two or three days' notice, I have appointed Monday next, 6th instant, at eleven a.m., at the point suggested by you. Will you send my letter to General Grant, and arrange with General Ord for the interview? If you will ride in to my quarters on Saturday next, 4th instant, by ten a.m., in Richmond, I shall be happy to see you, when you can enlighten me on the points you referred to in your letter. I hope some good may result from the interview.

Very truly yours,
R. E. Lee,
General J. Longstreet,
Commanding, etc.:

P.S. — Seal the letter to General Grant before transmitting.
R. E. L.
SOURCE: James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, p. 649

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