
Sunday, June 29, 2014

John Brown to his Children, April 14, 1854

Akron, April 14, 1854.

Dear Children, — I did not get Ruth's letter, dated on the 1st instant, until the 12th, but was very glad to hear from you then, and to learn that you found things as well as you did. In fact, God never leaves us without the most abundant cause for gratitude; and let us try and have it in habitual exercise. We have had some complaints among several of us of late, but none of us have been very unwell. We had a most comfortable settlement of last year's business with Mr. Perkins, and division of stock. I had nine of the company calves, and he sold me four of the old for one hundred dollars, which I used to have. I have two young bull calves, — one a full blood, — which I think among the best I ever saw.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 110

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