
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Major-General Thomas J. Jackson to Colonel Samuel Bassett French, March 21, 1862

colonel, — Please request the governor1 to order three thousand muskets to Staunton at his earliest convenience for the militia of this district. None of the militia beyond the county, except five hundred from Augusta, have yet arrived, but they are turning out encouragingly. There are three religious denominations in this military district who are opposed to war. Eighteen [men] were recently arrested in endeavoring to make their escape through Pendleton County to the enemy. Those who do not desert will, to some extent, hire substitutes, others will turn out in obedience to the governor's call; but I understand some of them say they will not “shoot.” They can be made to fire, but can very easily take bad aim. So, for the purpose of giving to this command the highest degree of efficiency, and securing loyal feelings and co-operation, I have, as these non-combatants are said to be good teamsters and faithful to their promises, determined to organize them into companies of one hundred men each, rank and file, and after mustering them, with the legal number of company officers, into service, assign them to the various staff departments without issuing arms to them; but if at any time they have insufficient labor, to have them drilled, so that in case circumstances should justify it, arms may be given them. If these men are, as represented to me, faithful laborers and careful of property, this arrangement will not only enable many volunteers to return to the ranks, but will also save many valuable horses and other public property, in addition to arms. . . . All I have pledged myself is that, as far as practicable, I will employ them in other ways than fighting, but with the condition that they shall act in good faith with me, and not permit persons to use their names for the purpose of keeping out of service.

1 John Letcher, Governor of Virginia.

SOURCE: Mary Anna Jackson, Life and Letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson), p. 251-2

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