
Friday, June 13, 2014

Major Rutherford B. Hayes to Manning F. Force, June 12, 1861

Columbus, June 12, 1861.

Dear Force: — You can't regret more than I do the issue of this business, so far as you are concerned. I have tried to get two companies (so as to include you and Company A of G. G.1) admitted. Failing in that, I tried one, but the thing is all settled, and the governor fears to disturb the elements again.

Our regiment promises to be an exceedingly pleasant one. We are the first regimental officers on the ground. Our colonel will command in this camp until a brigadier-general arrives. We are the best known persons, and the struggle is to get into our regiment from all quarters. The camp is yet higgledy-piggledy and will require some labor to bring it up. But all goes on rapidly. We have been busy as bees a large part of the time in the scorching sun; but so far, it [is] great fun. I enjoy it as much as a boy does a Fourth of July.

R. B. Hayes.
M. F. Force, Esq.

1 Guthrie Greys.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 24-5

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